Sunday, February 28, 2010

At the Vatican - vav Vatikana

Ok, my favorite thing i saw at the Vatican was a mummy - I real one (i mean that's what they said on the little piece of paper by the display but who am I to question it).  Everything was in its place - hair, nails, etc.  Oh, except the eye through which they took the brain out during the mummification process. 

Mnogo se vpechatlih ot mumiata, koiato vidiah vav Vatikana v egipetskia muzei.  Pisheshe kolko e stara i t.n. - idi go proveriavai de - kvoto kajat na tova shte viarvame.  No maitapa na strana - mnogo interesno beshe - kosa, nokti, vsichko si beshe na miasto (s izkluchenie na okoto, prez koeto sa izvadili mozaka kato sa ia mumificirali)

Look at these retaining walls!

The St. Peter Basilica was enormous - i don't think a picture does it justice, the dome, the interior, the columns - everything was magnificent and enormous.  
Basilikata na Sveti Petar - Ogromna. 

The St. Peter Basilica Square.  I think in general the size of all the old buildings everywhere was gigantic - everything was huge, i mean look at the people compared to the buildings.  

Vsichko beshe tolkova ogromno, vsichki stari sgradi sa prosto neveroiatno golemi! 

Yep, the guards really do wear those outfits!  I asked Damon how he would feel if he had to wear an outfit like this every day to work.  He said it depends what they pay him and if it's tax free.

Nope - we did not really mail post cards - that's why you didn't get one!

Rim (Razni) - Rome (Random)

The Pantheon was one of my favorite places i saw - we were just walking trying to find it and all of a sudden it was just THERE - it is huge!  I also really liked its color - it looked like chocolate.  I know - weird.  Another thing i had to keep reminding myself is that these buildings are unbelievably old and they are still here - in great shape.  I know they renovate them and stuff but still - almost two thousand freakin' years!  I mean - two thousand!

Panteonat mi e edno ot lubimite mesta, koito posetihme - nie prosto si varviahme i go tarsihme i izvednaj - ETO go pred naso, ogromen!  I neprekasnato triabvashe da si napomniam kolko sa stari tezi sgradi - Panteonat e pochti 2000 godini!!! Luda rabota!

A view from our apartment

At the Forum - Vav Foruma

The Cats of the Coliseum / Kotkite na Kolizeuma

There were cats everywhere sunbathing around the Coliseum - which of course I loved.  So i took photos of a couple. 
Iz Kolizeuma imashe kotki navsiake - prepichaha se na slance, zashtoto beshe studen den.

Rome - Rim (at the Coliseum)

Our apartment was literally a block away from the Coliseum.
Apartamentcheto ni beshe bukvalno na edna krachka ot Kolizeuma. 


The Milano Train Station - It was very big and impressive.

Garata v Milan - Mnogo goliama i vnushitelna. 

Damon on the Train

Prez parka prez zimata - In the park during the winter

One day we decided to walk through the park to see how it was in the winter - it was cold and icy.  But not back - we were dressed warm.  We even went shopping a little :)

(tova e sashtata gabka, koiato snimahme prez liatoto - the same mushroom we saw last summer - here is a link of the park last year in the summer

with my mom and dad

Na selo - Visiting my Grandpa

On the way back to town from the countryside.  This was all green and lush last summer - now - freezing!

Dalgoochakvanite snimki (The Long Awaited Pictures)

Ok - eto parvata porcia snimki - vareneto na rakia - gordostta na semeistvoto.

Ok - so here is batch number 1 - the making of rakia - the pride of the family.

1. Nosi se materiala / You bring the fermented fruit to the site (normally we do this in the summer/fall but this time my dad held off so we can participate)

2.  Kazanite/The equipment

3.  Damon naliva kakvoto tatko mu e dal da sipva / Damon pouring whatever my dad gave him to put in.

4. Damon zatvaria kazana / Damon tightening the lid

5. Chakahme da se vdigne temperaturata / Waiting for the temperature to rise.

6.  Rakiata tragna / The Rakia is coming out.

7.  Sled kato rabotata se svarshi i rakiata tragna, sedmahme da hapnem / After all the work is done and the rakia is flowing, time to set the table. 

8.  Pekaneto na mezeto - mnogo vajna chast ot vareneto na rakiata / The fire was already going strong so we cooked our food on it - very important part of the whole process.  

About Me

My photo
I have been a structural engineer for the last 10 years. But I discovered photography a little over a year ago and have had nothing but fun with it. I started this blog to keep my family in Bulgaria current (and so i don't have to email pictures to everyone) but now i use it for everything.