Monday, January 11, 2010

The Big Turtle

So when i was at the Fifes to take pictures of Molly (Molly's Pics), we stepped outside for some outdoor shots.  Then  noticed a big decorative turtle at the end of the yard.  Except as I was looking at it, it lifted one leg, then the other and headed for us.  AAAAhhhhhhh!  It was REAL.  And huge, the hugest turtle i have ever seen.  The Fifes have a REAL, huge turtle in their back yard who loves to eat veggies and lets the smaller kids ride it.  SO COOL!!! I want one.  I am curious to see how Mecho (our dog) would handle it.   still haven't got it but I think it will be so cool.  They told me they live to something like 120+.

Kogato otidoh da pravia snimki na Molly (snimkite na Molly), izliazohme v zadnia dvor za niakoi ot vanshnite snimki i az zabeliazah edna dekorativna kostenurka v edinia krai na dvora.  Samo che dokato ia gledah i tia vze, che si vdigna edinia krak i sled tova drugia i tragna kam nas.  AAAAAAaaaaa!  Okaza se istinska i otgore na tova e ogromna - nai-goliamta kostenurka, koiato niakoga sam vijdala.  Iade treva, zelenchuci i malkite deca se voziat na garba i.  I reshih, che iskam i az takava, no oshte ne sme si vzeli.  Osven tova ne sam sigurna kak Mecho shte reagira.  Zhiveeli nad 120 godini.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Jackson Da Kine

Jackson e noviat ni plemennik - toi e na 4 meseca i polovina.  Ne prilicha na havaiche, no tova e, zashtoto maika mu e ot Kanada.  Goliamo e kuftence!

Jackson is my new 4 and a half month nephew from Hawaii (jealouuuus!!!!).  I know he doesn't look Hawaiian, but that's because his mom is from Canada.   He was a pretty good model considering it was pretty chilly outside.  On top of that we changed outfits :)  I am practicing my pidgin so i can talk "mo'bettah" pidgin with him when he grows up (for an explanation of pidgin go here).

About Me

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I have been a structural engineer for the last 10 years. But I discovered photography a little over a year ago and have had nothing but fun with it. I started this blog to keep my family in Bulgaria current (and so i don't have to email pictures to everyone) but now i use it for everything.